Flexible Service Options

⏳ Short & Focused Support

🟧 1-Hour Problem-Solving Surgery – A quick, focused session to tackle a specific issue (e.g., curriculum challenges, student engagement, lesson planning).

🟧 90-Minute Deep Dive – A more in-depth session for schools or teachers needing tailored advice and action steps on a particular RE-related topic.

🟧 Half-Day (3-Hour) Consultancy – Ideal for schools needing a detailed review of their RE curriculum, teaching practices, or compliance requirements.

📅 Extended Support & Training

🟧 Full-Day (6-Hour) Workshop/Consultancy – A comprehensive session for in-depth curriculum development, staff training, or syllabus restructuring.

🟧 3-Week Intensive Programme – A structured programme focusing on curriculum redesign, teacher development, or accreditation support, with weekly check-ins and action plans.

🟧 6-Week RE Transformation Programme – A guided programme with a mix of training, observation, and curriculum development, ensuring long-term improvements in Religious Education.

🟧 Ongoing Monthly Support – Schools or organisations can subscribe to a retainer service for ongoing RE support, such as regular training sessions, lesson planning assistance, or mentorship.

How Sessions Can Be Delivered:

📍 In-person (on-site at schools/organisations)
💻 Online (Zoom/Teams)
📚 Blended approach (a mix of online sessions & in-person visits)